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Writer's pictureSUMMER MCBURNETT

Medical Experts and Entrepreneurs.

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

DO THEY KNOW YOUR NAME? So many choices OUT HERE, the one and only question you should be asking each day is “What Makes You Different? 

As an Entrepreneur it is particularly competitive. On and offline it seems like there’s an Entrepreneur OR sales rep in your inbox, trying to get your email addresses or get you to buy something.

For the prospect they feel like they are in a crap-shoot. You can't gamble. You must be highly visible, create a trustworthy image, and convince people considering your product that you’re not only the right choice but the ONLY choice because you dared to be different!

Below are 9 little ways that will grow your business, increase your brand visibility, and convert lookers into new appointments and a bonus option to separate you from the crowd. 

#1:  There Will Always Be An Offer or Offers…

You probably heard that content is king, we disagree Cash from the appointments is King! 

All your marketing needs to have an offer telling your ideal client EXACTLY what to do right now. It should be irresistible and time sensitive and give them some kind of transformation value if they take action. 

This is NOT your typical common offer like “First Consultation Only $149. We Get Rave Reviews-Get PAID-Call Now!” 

First of all they don’t care about price, your reviews or even you for that matter. All they care about is can you fix their pain or problem and how fast. 

Instead, here is where you get the chance to separate yourself from the pack-- an offer so big, so bold, so perfectly targeted to WHO you’ve identified as your slam-dunk customer that it is impossible for them to refuse.

This offer could be to generate a lead  with a lead magnet, like a free-report (that’s what you're reading now) or to get them to pre-pay online and you actually make a sale or do a virtual consultation. 

Regardless of the nature of the offer itself, the point is to make certain that every communication actually asks your prospects or customers to do something. 

When you don't give clear instructions you are into hope marketing and that is dangerous and will leave you broke and with a gorilla outside your door waving a sign. 


#2:  Urgency To Respond Now

The hidden cost and failure in all advertising and marketing are in the  “almost persuaded.”  

They were tempted to respond, they almost responded, oh they were so close but they kept scrolling to check out other options or not in enough pain to do it now!

There must be a good reason for them not to stop short or delay or ponder, there must be urgency. 

We often forget that hesitation and procrastination are among the most common human behaviors. Your prospect does not want to move, period.  

Just like that teenager in the middle of the Fortnite game, trying to get them to stop and acknowledge what they really need to be doing is going to require a super compelling reason, especially with all the uncertainties in the economy.  

Their thinking, I can bear the pain a little longer….

There are plenty of ways to add URGENCY:

  • Tie the offer to a hard and fast deadline

  • Restrict the offer to a limited number of customers

  • Remove the bonus or gift from the deal if they don’t act right away

Just a few ideas to open your eyes to think outside the box. The bottom line are you giving them a reason to act NOW!

#3:  Give Clear Instructions

Most people do a reasonable job at following instructions.  For the most part they stop on red and go on green and ever since kindergarten, they have been told EXACTLY what to do. 

Your failure to reach the income and lifestyle you desire comes from you, the staff or your marketing team not giving clear or no directions. 

They have too many options or they are simply confused so they take no action. 

People rarely buy anything of consequence without being asked. You must walk your prospect through the steps you want them to take in order to book and pay for the appointment.

This is far more important than you might imagine. Take to heart the old rule: A confused buyer-WON’T buy! Anxiety rises anytime you ask someone to do something that they’re unsure of what to expect or how to carry it out. 

Therefore look at ALL of your marketing and look at it from the perspective of the patient, is it clear. Better yet give it to a 4th grader ask them to read it and then tell you what they think you want them to do. 

Consumers like and respond to clarity. Be sure to provide it.

#4:  Track and Know Your Numbers 

 If you truly want real profits in your business, you are no longer going to permit any advertising, marketing, social media, selling, or buying to be made without accurate tracking, measurements and accountability. 

Yes it feels good to get likes, hearts, shares, views and engagement but--- that is not CASH in your bank account. All of that is great but YOU must know how much you are getting back for every dollar you spend.

There are two reasons for this:

  1. You need REAL hard facts and data to make good, intelligent business decisions.

  2. You must ONLY manage a business by objectives

If I take you back to rule number 1, and we look at the offers you are making, are you tracking which source is bringing you leads and which sources needed to be eliminated? 

Just knowing this will allow you to assign promotion codes, coupons, reply cards, automations, etc to the right offers. 

Tough-minded management and marketing  of your business requires KNOWING what things are impacting your bottom-line and how to make that next wise move. 

#5:  Don’t Pay to Build Your Brand

You do want to build your brand, you just don’t want to PAY to build your brand. 

Most small business owners do not have the budgets of Coca-Cola or Nike but they try to do what they do and it NEVER works because their brand building budgets start in the millions.

With that being said you will build a brand, it will just be a by-product of direct response advertising and marketing. 

Your brand being built is a BONUS from you focusing on and paying for leads, customers, sales and profits driven by your marketing system.

#6:  Have a Follow Up System

They read your ad, got your letter in the mail, saw your sign, read your post online, etc. They even visited your website, called your business, spoke with your staff and even asked questions. 

And the sad part, not even the slightest attempt was made to capture the prospects, name, phone number, physical address, or email addresses. This is a CRIME against your profits.

When you fail to have a follow up system you are simply shrugging your shoulders and accepting waste as it’s cost you not only your money but time. You are taking away from your family and friends and robbing them of the memories that they should be creating but you are stuck at your business trying to figure out how to get more patients. 

There are several systems you should have in place like:

  • “Restate, Resell, and Extend the Same Offer 

  • Provide a Stern or Humorous “Second Notice” Tied to an Onrushing Deadline

  • Third and Final Notice

  • Change The Offer

  • Offer NEW Service

There are many other options available but it must be consistent and easily duplicapitable for your team. Having nothing in place is like flushing money down the toilet. It is a serious lapse of judgment and a waste of precious resources each and every time you or your staff fail to follow up on every LEAD!

#7:  Strong Copy

FACTS: People are busy, easily distracted  and you cannot be timid, shy or hesitant when trying to get them to stop, look and listen. 

Strong copy must be sensational, grab attention and commanding while at the same time establishes credibility and authority. It must create proactive interest for the people you want to serve. 

Strong copy starts with the customers interests, desires, frustrations, fears, thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Most make the mistake of writing factual headlines rather than emotional ones. And they are timid or bland in their claims and promises. 

You must have Copy that makes grandiose and extraordinary claims if you want to have grandiose and extraordinary profits. Timid entrepreneurs have broken bank accounts.

The fact is you MUST have strong copy from either you learning to write it or partnering up with a company that does. If this concept happens to be brand new to you, start with CoolBody Essentials Marketing Game Plan For Entrepreneurs. Email or call for details.

#8:  Results

Results rule! Period end of story!

Don’t let anyone confuse you, trick you or convince you that anything else is of any importance. Nobody's opinion counts-NOT EVEN YOURS!

Live by the NO-EXCUSE ZONE! Somebody somewhere is doing and getting what you talk about because they remained open, they tested, monitored and adjusted their process and equipment along the way.

The only thing that matters is what results did YOU get. 

When you implement this mindset into your marketing, your message and your mission you change the way you communicate with prospects, patients , staff and vendors dramatically and forever. 

NOTE: Now I am aware that what you just read it’s probably drastically different, weird or feels wrong or to you. It could even be too unprofessional, aggressive or outside the box of what you deem “correct” for your profession. That is understandable. But it doesn't matter because remember your opinion NEVER COUNT. You don’t get a vote, neither does your husband, your wife, your mother, your daughter or son, your golden buddy, your neighbor, your employees, your competitors, NOBODY gets a vote. 


#9:  Be A Tough-Minded Disciplinarian and Position Your Business To ONLY Focus on MARKETING, MACHINES/EQUIPMENT

You know that person who has been around you and is only draining your battery and budget. You know you are getting pounded on  by the competition because you are still doing the stuff that worked back in the 80’s. YOU MUST MUSTER THE WILL TO FIRE THEM! YOU MUST MUSTER THE WILL TO GET NEW UPDATED EQUIPMENT. 

Many business owners struggle and suffer simply because they are aware of things that need to be doing but simply lack the will or know how to do them.

From this point forward, with ALL your advertising and marketing, you have to be thick-skinned about criticism, tough minded about money invested, extremely disciplined in thought and action, and dedicated to caring out your game plan, all fueled by a resolute will to serve others and a will to win.

IMPORTANT: Anything that does not conform to these important principles discussed in this report, do not let in at all. 

Just say NO

When you DO implement all these into your marketing message and approach, you change-for the better-you can impact more people-your bank account overflows as well as that feeling of FINALLY becoming the person you've always dreamt about. 

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